
How do I set up an Incorporated Association?
Unless you want to start a National organisation, registering a incorporated association is done at the State or Territory level. Information on the processes for

Health & Safety
The welfare of everyone involved in Seed Saving group activities is important to all of us. One of the main ways to ensure everyone’s welfare

Looking after volunteers
All seed saving groups are driven by volunteers. Without them the groups fail. So we should consider ourselves and the other volunteers as even more

Decision-making Processes
There are an infinite number of ways that your group can approach decision-making. The process you choose will impact who can have a say and

Effective Meetings
In the context of volunteer groups, like seed saving groups, effective meetings don’t just get the work done they also meet the social needs of

Welcoming New Members
When people come to their first meeting they will check out how the group operates and decide whether they feel they can contribute to the

Does my group need Public Liability Insurance?
Public Liability Insurance is usually required by event and market organisers if you want to have a stall or display at their event. It may

Attracting & Keeping New Members
The following are ideas were gathered during a National Zoom Gathering in April 2022 in response to the following questions: How do you attract new

Seed Saving Group Structures
There is no set requirement to become a seed saving group in Australia. Anyone can start one. We encourage people to join existing groups if